MAY 25, 2019
President Mark Leathers called the meeting to order at 9:16 AM
Mark Leathers greeted and welcomed everyone to the LMCA fall
1. Secretary's Report: Secretary Sandra Thompson read the minutes from the Spring meeting. Bob Jennings made a motion to accept the report as read. John Blood
seconded the motion. The motion passed.
2.Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Lisa Shorey read her report. Lisa reported that the starting balance was $13,986.90. LIsa reported that as of last Wednesday, LMCA had a total of $835.76 in total expenses. Total income was $3,500.31
The ending balance is $15,933.09 with a combined total of $22,940.89 with the savings accounts added in. Tom Dinero made a motion to accept the Treasurer''s report as read. John Gallagher seconded the motion. The motion passed.
3. Road Report: President Mark Leathers reported that the causeway was repaired last fall by Andy Webb. and he used the $2,500.00 that was voted on. Mark reported that no gravel was placed last fall on the orange rock road as a bridge on the Crooked Road was unsafe. The brid2019ter went out requesting additional funds to help
with the repair of Baker bridge. Jim Wright called Mark Leathers after he received his newsletter to let him know that CMP needs the bridge replaced as they will be doing some maintenance on the existing transmission line. Jim stated that in 1953 CMP replaced the steel on the bridge when they built the transmission line. Jim explained that CMP and Weyerhauser are sharing the costs for re engineering and replacing the bridge with new steel and cement. Tim Mckinnon made a motion to send both CMP and Weyerhauser a letter of thanks. Bob Jennings seconded the motion. The motion passed.
New Business:
1. 2019 Road Budget: Mark reported that LMCA has some $$. He reported that
the funds are for road maintenance and there is plenty of work to be done. Mark reported that there will be some ditching done with the final grading done by July 4th week. Mark reported that he has contacted a company to come and cut some of the many hazard trees along the Troutdale Road. Roger Deshaines stated that he would like to see the pot holes graded below the lowest level. Mark reported that he will have four loads of gravel spread down the Caribou Narrows Road. Mark stated that he thinks that an additional $7,000.00 would cover the costs of the ditching, gravel and grading. Mark also suggested that LMCA puts some $$ in reserve for future repairs. Mr. Lanza stated that he knows of a culvert that could be dug out. Tim McKinnon said that $5,000.00 was approved at the Spring meeting. Bob Jennings made a motion to spend $7,000.00 additional on placing gravel and road work. Bud seconded the motion. The motion passed. Mark reported that the monies will be used to maintain the Troutdale Road. The bylaws say that LMCA maintains down to the "last camp". All members were in favor. None opposed. The motion passed.
2. By-Law Changes: President Mark Leathers read the first proposed change in the by-laws. John Gallagher made a motion to accept as read. Samantha Geroux seconded the motion. The motion passed.
President Mark Leathers read the second proposed change. to the members. Scott Tilton made a motion to accept as read. Mark Johnson seconded the motion. The motion passed.
3. On line dues payments: Treasurer Lisa Shorey stated that she suggested that LMCA set up an online dues payment option. Lisa said that 2.9% of all money
recieved is taken as a fee for the service. It was mentioned that no charge for non-profit groups is available. Lisa said it would be up to the Board of Directors to make that decision.
4. LMCA Directory: Lisa had her copy of the 1994 directory with her. A committee was set up of Sandra Thompson, Samantha Geroux, and Lisa Shorey to explore the options. Mark said that he had a request last for for a list of all the campowners.
5. Election of Officers: Mark reported that all officers are up for re-election. Jeff Stineman made a motion to re-elect all officers. Jim Wright seconded the motion. Mark Leathers: President, Leon Drowns: Vice President, Sandra Thompson: Secretary, Lisa Shorey: Treasurer. Mark asked the officers if all were willing to serve. All responded yes. Mr. Lanza asked if the terms should be staggered. Mark said that he will talk with
the Board of directors. Mark asked if there were any more nominations. The motion passed. Mark also explained that the Board of directors meetings were held via phone call conferencing. Lisa Shorey stated that there are four LMCA Board of directors at large up for re-election as well: Roger Deschaines, Bud Samiljan, Tim McKinnon and Dottie Denaro. Scot Tilton made a motion to re-elect current at large members. John Gallagher seconded the motion. The motion passed.
6. Additional Items: Finance Committee: Lisa Shorey said that decisions should be made on how to move LMCA forward and a finance committee could help make recommendations as to where to direct monies. Tim McKinnon volunteered to be on the committee. President Mark Leathers asked for any other people that may want to serve on the committee to contact him to let him know.
Sherry Deschaines asked about what LMCA will be doing with the $$ that were donated for the repair of the Baker bridge. Mark said that he wants to have LIsa return the monies to each individual. Leon Drowns asked for a new copy of the by-laws. Lisa said that she will send to all officers and bring to the fall meeting. Celest mentioned that CMP has given us help but we should be aware that they have a project in the wings. Jim Wright said that he works for CMP and it is his responsibility to maintain the existing transmission lines and that is why CMP has helped. The work was not done for NECOC. The 50/50 raffle was drawn: $185.00 with $93.00 to the winner who was Karen Knowles.
The Meeting was adjourned at 10:55 AM.
Respectively submitted,
Secretary Sandra Thompson
MAY 25, 2019
President Mark Leathers called the meeting to order at 9:16 AM
Mark Leathers greeted and welcomed everyone to the LMCA fall
1. Secretary's Report: Secretary Sandra Thompson read the minutes from the Spring meeting. Bob Jennings made a motion to accept the report as read. John Blood
seconded the motion. The motion passed.
2.Treasurer's Report: Treasurer Lisa Shorey read her report. Lisa reported that the starting balance was $13,986.90. LIsa reported that as of last Wednesday, LMCA had a total of $835.76 in total expenses. Total income was $3,500.31
The ending balance is $15,933.09 with a combined total of $22,940.89 with the savings accounts added in. Tom Dinero made a motion to accept the Treasurer''s report as read. John Gallagher seconded the motion. The motion passed.
3. Road Report: President Mark Leathers reported that the causeway was repaired last fall by Andy Webb. and he used the $2,500.00 that was voted on. Mark reported that no gravel was placed last fall on the orange rock road as a bridge on the Crooked Road was unsafe. The brid2019ter went out requesting additional funds to help
with the repair of Baker bridge. Jim Wright called Mark Leathers after he received his newsletter to let him know that CMP needs the bridge replaced as they will be doing some maintenance on the existing transmission line. Jim stated that in 1953 CMP replaced the steel on the bridge when they built the transmission line. Jim explained that CMP and Weyerhauser are sharing the costs for re engineering and replacing the bridge with new steel and cement. Tim Mckinnon made a motion to send both CMP and Weyerhauser a letter of thanks. Bob Jennings seconded the motion. The motion passed.
New Business:
1. 2019 Road Budget: Mark reported that LMCA has some $$. He reported that
the funds are for road maintenance and there is plenty of work to be done. Mark reported that there will be some ditching done with the final grading done by July 4th week. Mark reported that he has contacted a company to come and cut some of the many hazard trees along the Troutdale Road. Roger Deshaines stated that he would like to see the pot holes graded below the lowest level. Mark reported that he will have four loads of gravel spread down the Caribou Narrows Road. Mark stated that he thinks that an additional $7,000.00 would cover the costs of the ditching, gravel and grading. Mark also suggested that LMCA puts some $$ in reserve for future repairs. Mr. Lanza stated that he knows of a culvert that could be dug out. Tim McKinnon said that $5,000.00 was approved at the Spring meeting. Bob Jennings made a motion to spend $7,000.00 additional on placing gravel and road work. Bud seconded the motion. The motion passed. Mark reported that the monies will be used to maintain the Troutdale Road. The bylaws say that LMCA maintains down to the "last camp". All members were in favor. None opposed. The motion passed.
2. By-Law Changes: President Mark Leathers read the first proposed change in the by-laws. John Gallagher made a motion to accept as read. Samantha Geroux seconded the motion. The motion passed.
President Mark Leathers read the second proposed change. to the members. Scott Tilton made a motion to accept as read. Mark Johnson seconded the motion. The motion passed.
3. On line dues payments: Treasurer Lisa Shorey stated that she suggested that LMCA set up an online dues payment option. Lisa said that 2.9% of all money
recieved is taken as a fee for the service. It was mentioned that no charge for non-profit groups is available. Lisa said it would be up to the Board of Directors to make that decision.
4. LMCA Directory: Lisa had her copy of the 1994 directory with her. A committee was set up of Sandra Thompson, Samantha Geroux, and Lisa Shorey to explore the options. Mark said that he had a request last for for a list of all the campowners.
5. Election of Officers: Mark reported that all officers are up for re-election. Jeff Stineman made a motion to re-elect all officers. Jim Wright seconded the motion. Mark Leathers: President, Leon Drowns: Vice President, Sandra Thompson: Secretary, Lisa Shorey: Treasurer. Mark asked the officers if all were willing to serve. All responded yes. Mr. Lanza asked if the terms should be staggered. Mark said that he will talk with
the Board of directors. Mark asked if there were any more nominations. The motion passed. Mark also explained that the Board of directors meetings were held via phone call conferencing. Lisa Shorey stated that there are four LMCA Board of directors at large up for re-election as well: Roger Deschaines, Bud Samiljan, Tim McKinnon and Dottie Denaro. Scot Tilton made a motion to re-elect current at large members. John Gallagher seconded the motion. The motion passed.
6. Additional Items: Finance Committee: Lisa Shorey said that decisions should be made on how to move LMCA forward and a finance committee could help make recommendations as to where to direct monies. Tim McKinnon volunteered to be on the committee. President Mark Leathers asked for any other people that may want to serve on the committee to contact him to let him know.
Sherry Deschaines asked about what LMCA will be doing with the $$ that were donated for the repair of the Baker bridge. Mark said that he wants to have LIsa return the monies to each individual. Leon Drowns asked for a new copy of the by-laws. Lisa said that she will send to all officers and bring to the fall meeting. Celest mentioned that CMP has given us help but we should be aware that they have a project in the wings. Jim Wright said that he works for CMP and it is his responsibility to maintain the existing transmission lines and that is why CMP has helped. The work was not done for NECOC. The 50/50 raffle was drawn: $185.00 with $93.00 to the winner who was Karen Knowles.
The Meeting was adjourned at 10:55 AM.
Respectively submitted,
Secretary Sandra Thompson